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UK Temporary Visa

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UK Temporary Visa

Tier 5 Temporary Work Visas allow individuals who meet certain conditions to work in the United Kingdom. This visa permits researchers, creative professionals, and athletes to work. Additionally, it enables charity and religious workers to live in the UK on a temporary basis.

Under the Points-Based Immigration System, the Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa is divided into six distinct types.

Temporary Work visa categories include the following:

Creative and Sporting Visas: These are for performers in the performing arts and elite-level athletes. Visas are valid for a maximum of 12 months, and your family members are welcome to accompany you to the UK.

Charity Worker Visa: Visas are valid for a maximum of 12 months, and your family members are welcome to accompany you to the UK.

Religious Worker Visa: Those engaged in religious work are eligible for this visa (i.e. preaching or pastoral care). Visas are valid for a maximum of two years, and your family members are welcome to accompany you to the UK.

Government-Authored Exchange Visas: For individuals entering the UK through approved government initiatives to engage in work experience in the UK. Visas are valid for a maximum of two years, and your family members are welcome to accompany you to the UK.

International Agreement Visas: For individuals hired pursuant to international agreements (i.e. GATS, overseas government organisation employees, and servants employed privately in diplomatic households). Visas are valid for a maximum of two years, and your family members are welcome to accompany you to the UK.

Youth Mobility Scheme: For young people aged 18 to 30 who are citizens of Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Monaco, South Korea, or Taiwan, or for young people who have British Overseas citizenship, British Overseas Territories citizenship, or British Nationals Overseas citizenship. This visa permits the holder to work in the United Kingdom for a period of up to two years. Your family members are not permitted to accompany you to the UK. For more information, please check out the Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) Visa.

What Are the Temporary Work Visa Eligibility Requirements?

The following criteria apply to a Tier 5 UK Temporary Work Visa:

  • A valid sponsorship certificate from a Tier 5 Sponsor License holder is required.
  • £945 in savings for self-support. This amount must have been in your bank account for at least 90 days prior to your application. If you are sponsored by an A-rated employer who indicates on your Certificate of Sponsorship that they would confirm your upkeep, you will not be required to demonstrate that you have £945 in savings.

Each Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa category has its own set of eligibility conditions. Our immigration attorneys at Henleaze Law can assist you in determining if you meet them.

How Do I Apply for a Temporary Work Visa under Tier 5?

Unless you are applying from North Korea, you can apply online for a Temporary Work Visa in UK. You can only extend or switch to this visa if you are already in the UK. Along with the application cost, you will be required to pay the healthcare surcharge. Our experts will assist you at every stage

What Documents Do I Need to Submit with My Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa Application?

With your application, you must submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport or other form of travel documentation
  • Bank statements attest to the fact that you have the necessary maintenance funds.
  • TB test results (if applicable)

You should keep in mind that each category of the Temporary Work Visa has a unique set of supporting documents, which we can assist you with gathering and properly filing.

What Are the Benefits of a Temporary Work Visa in Tier 5?

The UK Temporary Work Visa allows individuals to enter the United Kingdom on a temporary basis. It is extremely beneficial for organizations seeking to use global mobility and talent on a temporary basis. It is especially advantageous when international talent is sought for a brief period of time.

What if My Temporary Work Visa Application Is Rejected?

If your visa application is denied, our team can advise you on your choices. Following a refusal, you have the following options:

  •  Submit an Administrative Review Request
  • Initiate the Judicial Review process, or
  • Renew your application.

It may be beneficial to consult with an experienced attorney at the start of your application to guarantee that your visa application is successful.

Why Should You Choose Henleaze Law to Assist You in Obtaining a Temporary Work Visa UK under Tier 5?

At Henleaze Law, we recognize how critical it is for our customers’ visa applications to be submitted accurately, effectively, and efficiently. Hundreds of individuals and businesses have benefited from our assistance. Our attorneys can give expert advice, counsel, and assistance in properly submitting the application, thereby minimizing the danger of rejection.

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